Hair&Make-up Artist
I think we unconsciously judge a person by an information of appearance.
What factor makes you judge a person when you meet him/her for the first time?
First of all, don't you reckon his/her characteristic or background from his/her appearance?
You may imagine him/her a character with exotic sense, if he/she appears with his/her original fashion.
You may think he/she has got a big change on his/her mind, if he/she has got reckless hair-cut.
Who can guess a person is shy and less confident, if she colours her lips in purely red and in red?
Appearance can show inside of his/her mind.
It's quite difficult to overturn the image you gave the others, even though you think it's not real me.
So, it's very important for us to give the others an image with our appearance.
Then, we will be able to positively accept the image we give them.
It's up to us how we can create ourselves with make-up.